About CGS

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a program that presents the Christian Faith to children in an age-appropriate manner that draws them in physically and spiritually. CGS is supported by CGS USA and based on teaching principles and methods started by Sofia Cavalletti in 1954. CGS USA was formed in 1983 to continue Sofia's work, and CGS has spread to more than 65 countries.

CGS presents the Faith to children utilizing physical artifacts and related activities specifically designed to allow the participants to see, touch, and connect with the Bible, the Christian Liturgy, and the life of the church. These artifacts are presented in an atrium, which is the physical location and environment where children work, study, and pray on the mysteries of Christ, the Gospel, and the Liturgy. CGS USA designates three atrium levels:

Visit the CGS USA website for more detail.